Zanzibar is on my mind right now

What countries do you want to visit?

I really hoped that I would visit Zanzibar in Tanzania this month of June as a birthday treat but I’m sad this dream won’t come true. Being a single Parent due to long distance leaves you in a tough position to travel solo. The heartbreak of leaving your kids behind, and having insecurities about their well being,safety,health can’t let you just pack and go.

I guess I should start travelling local with my kids as I can not stay a day without them until I’m financially stable to internationally travel with them.

I think Italy,Rome has beautiful architecture that I long to see.

France Paris….I mean isn’t that obvious.

Singapore and Thailand just breath taking.

USA, the land of opportunities, oh and Switzerland, what a beauty!

I’ve always wanted to visit SA Capetown, fingures crossed

I just want to visit the whole world period.

Is that so much to ask💕!

You are deserving of Happiness

This is your sign to go out there and find your happiness. Challenges will never end so you might as well enjoy your life and be happy through the Life’s storms and chaos.

Stop procrastinating your joy, get up and tick your bucket list off. Go on that Hike, that Birthday treat to Thailand or Zanzibar you have always wantwed. Forgive that friend who did you wrong because you know you miss Him/her, just let it go.

Wear that beautiful dress with those red heels and hit the road to your favorite Rooftop lounge, grab that iced cocktails and watch the sun set while grooving to your favorite music in the ground. Feel that joy,you deserve it. Whatever that looks like.

Portrait of happy young black woman relaxing on wooden deck chair at tropical beach while looking at camera wearing spectacles. Smiling african american girl with fashion sunglasses enjoying vacation at sea with copy space. Cheerful young woman sunbathing and relaxing at seaside.
Side view portrait of an African woman drinking cocktails, sitting by bar in a modern and luxurious restaurant at night

Image source: Google


I just want to Travel

lately my heart has been leaning on onto my desire to travel the world

But how can that be possible with an expired pasport and an empty bank account? does that mean that i shouldn’t dream on? I don’t think so.

God, i want to travel so bad…take amazing pictures,live in the moment enjoying the views and sceneries.

I know i do not have to give up dreaming….somehow somewhere dreams do come true

My Kenyan blogger friend offered to Host me when i decide to Visit Kenya.. yes she did! and today i’ve been seriously thinking about it…i mean Kenya is such a beautiful country and i can not wait to renew my pasport,get my finances together and off i go.

Do you enjoy travelling? what’s limiting you? Let’s talk in the comments section


Angel Mbeks

Let Tomorrow Worry About Itself

Is your life according to what you planned?

90% of us we are not where we thought we would be, life happened. But the most important thing to realise is that Man’s plans are not God’s Plans.

Right now you may feel like a failure because your life has not followed the path you wanted, and your so frustrated feeling like everything has fallen apart.

First of all it’s ok. This is the time to make lemonade out of Lemon. Find joy in whatever your doing and let no one tell you otherwise.

Right now you may be jobless, so instead of fixing your eyes on your current situation,shift your eyes to whats going on well in your life. The fact that your able to spend ample time with your family,your able to work on your blog, able to take up a free course online, meet up with friends, is everything to be happy and thankful about.

We may know what we want but God knows what we need. You may be desiring to have another child now, yet God’s plans for you right now is to build your career path instead.

Whatever stage of life you are in right now, that’s where your meant to be. Make the best out of it for tomorrow never comes.

I nolonger fuss about My stay at home mom chores, i don’t stress my self over thr fact that i haven’t done laundry or made the kids beds, i just do it in my own time and not under pressure. Unlike before where i could only eat after finishing house chores, now i eat first and then do the rest. What i’m saying is, whatever stage your at, make sure your living a fulfilled life, make sure your still happy while doing whatever your doing. Before i used to overthink(oh my agements own cars,houses and jobs but look at me) but now i let all that go and instead chose to live in the moment.

Let tomorrow worry about itself. Remember You are where your supposed to be. Stop fussing.


Angel Mbeks

5 ways on how to Beat boredome as a stay at home mom

Being a stay at home mom can be isolating sometimes.If not careful you end up loosing yourself in the process. Your children are all you are about and though it is amazing to be there for your little ones,Sometimes you can loose your sanity. Don’t forget your sense of self, who you were, before the kids came into the picture. Your little ones need a happy mom not a sad one.

Here a 5 ways on how to kill boredome as a stay at home mom.

1. Get out of the house

Try to find time in your busy schedule to go outside the house for some fresh air, to unwind. Staying indoors 24/7 staring at the walls of your house will only make you feel stay in your head the entire day. Just get out of the housese just to change the environment, Walk around, play with your kiddos too…you need that.

2. Exercise

When you exercise you release off the stress,depression and overthinking. Exercising keeps your blood circulating and not only does it help you to stay fit and health but it is a form of a self love activity that will make you feel sexy in the end. I mean we all start somewhere, you can start by jumping the rope. Mama that tummy needs to go lol. Looking at my big tummy that resulted from sitting alot without exercising,makes me kinda regret why i did not start exercising early…i know the kids can make it hard to get that alone time to ourselves but we just have to keep pushing, start with 20mins a day aleast

3. Have a routine

When you have your day planned out, it kinda makes the day go by fast without you getting bored. I mean you know what comes next from one chore to another,so there is no way you feel that boredom

4. Talk to your girlfriends

Give your best friend a call and vent,vent and vent. This will help you feel better. You need to have someone you can talk to about what your going through, it is therapy. Don’t keep things in.

5. Social Media, TV, Radio

You can always watch your favorite shows on TV, listen to your favorite songs on radio while doing house chores and keep up with whats trending on social media. With that Boredome has no olace in your life.

I’ve made a video about the same topic and i can not wait to share it with all of you. Soon it will be dropping on my youtube channel so subscribe and do not miss out.

What do you think of the about Tips? I know there are so many other tips i’ve left out feel free to Let me know in the comments sectiom below.


Angel Mbeks


  1. Always remember that there is nobody on this earth that does not have problems. You are not the only one that has problems.
  2. Challenges is part of life. It is only a dead man that has no challenges.
  3. There is no problem that has no solution. There are solutions to the pains you are passing through.
  4. The way you picture yourself in your mind can affect your happiness. Picture yourself as a valuable and beautiful person. Avoid low self esteem and inferiority complex.
  5. Do not mind about what people say about you. Some people are sadists. They can just say something’s just to make you feel sad.
  6. Make friends with reasonable people who make you happy. Do not make friends with people who make jest of you or laugh at you over your challenges.
  7. At your leisure time, keep yourself busy with your favorite hobbies like reading , Learning, etc.
  8. Do not allow anyone to intimidate you with money and material things. A poor man today can become rich tomorrow. Change is constant.
  9. No matter what you are passing through today, do not give up. As long as there is life, there is hope.
  10. Be very prayerful. Pray without ceasing. Prayer is a catalyst that can speed up your blessings to come to you on time.
  11. Be courageous to go for what you want. Life is all about risk. If you don’t take a risk, you will not get the desires of your heart. Source: Facebook

The Family that Slays

Hey lovelies!

Last weekend i tried to do dress up with my kids and we took photos and several snap videos. I felt so good about my self. There is power in taking care of your body and dress up in an outfit that makes you feel chic.

Having a 9 month old who has been sick lately plus staying at my in-Laws for sometime now in a town where i have no friends turned me into homebody for months, hence making it hard for me to stay stylish. I mean my routine is waking up and taking care of my baby and my toddler so i could throw on anything comfy that could enable me breastfeed better but not to look stylish.

So the fact that i tried to dress up in this look was a huge step for me this year. I mean life does not have a Pause button so you gotta live your life where you are no matter what. Living your life is all about Self love. What i mean is, dress to kill for the sitting room or your compound lol. With this Covid 19 in the picture we have to find ways to enjoy life regardless.

In this look, i wore a free wide armed orange top,grey bike shorts and sealed off the look with my floral flats. This look screamed effortless stylish mom. Dressed my kids in stylish casual outfits and indeed they slayed.

What do you think about our looks. Let me know in the comments section below.


Angel Mbeks

5 ways on How to make New Friends as an Adult

Hello Lovelies

I know many of us are struggling with making new friends as adults but i got you some tips which i believe will help if you practiced them.

Oh before i forget, i do have a youtube video too talking about the same topic check it out

1. Get out of the House

There is no way you going to meet new people if all you do is sit back and watch TV from morning to sunset. You need to put yourself out there .

2. Engage in Activities you enjoy.

I enjoy live music so often times even if i have no one to with, that does not stop me from buying that ticket. By the time the concert is over, i’ve made a few friends. Connections are easily made when you have similar activies. Go for that movie now

3.Smile,Look Approachable.

Do not take your self too seriously, loosen up and smile so that you make it easy for the potential friend to find you.

4. Give genuine Complements

Develop a culture of giving complements to strangers too. This is another conservation starter.For example ‘nice purse’ ‘cute floral dress’ you will thank me later

5. Ask for contact and follow up

Many times we wait for the other person to ask for the contacts but that shouldn’t be the case. I mean what if they end up not asking then you will loose out on a potential friend. Be in charge and Ask for their contacts and follow up a week later.


Angel Mbeks

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